Spreading the wonders and joy of Nichiren Buddhism through articles, experiences, art, music, film, comedy and pop culture plus my own thoughts
Apr 24, 2011
Apr 9, 2011
Use Buddhism Teachings for Better Relationships
Applying the Principles of Nichiren Buddhism to All Personal Interactions
Sources: Hochswender, Woody. Martin, Greg. Morino, Ted. The Buddha in
Your Mirror: Practical Buddhism and Search for the Self. CA:
Middleway Press (a division of the SGI-USA), 2001.
Nichiren Buddhism is a faith that lays a lot of stress on personal
development and self-improvement. So, even when it comes to fostering
strong and positive relationships and develop lasting bonds, it is
essential that one makes the desired effort and brings forth a change in
one’s attitude and perspective, a process known as Human Revolution.
Learn how to use the principles of Nichiren Buddhism to improve
relationships and engage in mutually beneficial interactions.
Respect for Everyone
One of the fundamental principles of Nichiren Buddhism is to see the
inherent Buddha nature in everyone and therefore, give due respect.
Nichiren Buddhism stresses that everyone has the inherent wisdom and
compassion to be a Buddha and that is the reason one must not disrespect
or malign another person, because it would be akin to maligning Buddha
himself. Relationships would improve dramatically, if everyone could
accord the other person proper respect and dignity.
Oppose Evil and Corruption
While Nichiren Buddhism does emphasize respect for every human being,
it also, stresses standing up for what is right and opposing injustice
and corruption. It teaches that everyone should exercise courage and
strength in supporting the right and good.
However, the way to fight is not violent and aggressive; rather it is
peaceful and based on effective communication and dialogue. All
relationships would benefit greatly if conflicts are resolved in a
peaceful, non-confrontational manner.
Being Compassionate and Considerate
One of the foremost qualities of Nichiren Buddhism is to have immense
compassion and consideration for everyone. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
for the happiness of others is something that most Nichiren Buddhists
do on a regular basis.
Meeting members who need support, encouraging members and simply,
paying attention to others are just some of the things that Nichiren
Buddhists do and that is one reason why relationships between the
members are strong and close-knit.
Taking Responsibility for Your Actions
Being accountable for one’s actions and not blaming others or
circumstances is integral to Nichiren Buddhism. This ensures that every
individual learns to introspect and works at becoming a strong,
confident person who knows that every action, thought and word would
have a corresponding consequence or result. This leads to relationships
that are free of blame, guilt and any negativity.
Improving and Changing Ourselves
According to the principles of Nichiren Buddhism, human revolution or
self-improvement is at the foundation of all successful relationships.
Since the only person upon whom one has real influence is one’s own
self, therefore, it makes sense to improve and change oneself to change
one’s relationships. This could involve becoming strong enough to move
out of an abusive relationship or becoming adaptable and open to a
different perspective.
It is easy to see how simple principles of Nichiren Buddhism can
enable individuals to form strong, meaningful and mutually beneficial
relationships with others around them.